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An idea in a reality


SITREP (Situation Report) was born in October 2016 as the center of a series of online spreadsheets updated in real time. It was the vision of a concentrated status of all the operations that were displayed.

Once this was achieved, it was shared with the areas of interest (Traffic and SupplyChain), becoming an important tool for monitoring operations.
SITREP was the turning point of the Digital Transformation in the area of Security and Logistics.
And that's just where it started! We share with you this path towards SITREPcore AI 2024.

SITREP Philosofy

“Sitrep Philosofy, what started as a crazy idea, became a reality, a reality that would lead to a dream, and a dream that ended in a new reality… facts… A philosophy of resilience, improvement and continuous improvement… with soul of progress and transformation… with the spirit of achieving a peak to walk on a plateau of experience and go for a new, higher peak, and continue infinitely until we reach Utopia.”


  • 1

    Nothing is impossible, there is always a way;

  • 2

    There are no limits other than those that one imposes;

  • 3

    Truth and transparency are the pillars of a good result;

  • 3

    Not listening to experience is the blindness of those who think they know.

“Posicionar la filosofía de lo sencillo, adaptable y resiliente como algo natural para el desarrollo de plataformas de análisis de datos y producción de información”.

“Desarrollar la plataforma capaz de adaptarse a cualquier formato de empresa o negocio, simple, escalable y de mantenimiento de bajo costo”.

1. Responsibility;
2. Compromise;
3. Integrity;
4. Resilience;
5. Diversity;
6. Inclusion;
7. Security;
8. Learning;
9. Teamwork;
10. Quality;
11. Passion